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Using AstraX in the browser

We now have an extension installed on our machine and a library to interact with it. This library will provide you with methods to send and receive data from a user's extension in your website or application.


First import the library in the <head> tag of your page.

  • Install the packaged library via npm or yarn first (see Getting Started), then import it via a script tag using the minified file found at node_modules/@bajetech/astrax-api/build/index.min.js (be sure to copy the file to a specific folder in your project and import that copy, e.g. assets/js/astrax-api/index.min.js. Do NOT directly link to the file in the node_modules folder.)
<head>  <script src="/assets/js/astrax-api/index.min.js"></script></head>

This will expose a global variable called window.astraxApi that will contain our library.

Now let's dig into what functionality is available to you:


isConnected() -> <boolean>#

This function is useful for determining if a user in your application has AstraX installed.

if (window.astraxApi.isConnected()) {  alert("User has AstraX!");}


getPublicKey() -> <Promise<string>>#

If a user has never interacted with your app before, this function will prompt the user to provide your app privileges to receive the user's public key. If and when the user accepts, this function will resolve with an object containing the public key. Otherwise, it will provide an error.

If the user has authorized your application previously, it will be on the extension's "Allow list", meaning the extension can immediately provide the public key without any user action.

if (window.astraxApi.isConnected()) {  alert("User has AstraX!");}
const retrievePublicKey = async () => {  let publicKey = "";  let error = "";
  try {    publicKey = await window.astraxApi.getPublicKey();  } catch (e) {    error = e;  }
  if (error) {    return error;  }
  return publicKey;};
const result = retrievePublicKey();


getNetwork() -> <Promise<"PUBLIC" | "TESTNET">>#

This function is useful for determining what network the user has configured AstraX to use. AstraX will be configured to either PUBLIC or TESTNET.

if (window.astraxApi.isConnected()) {  alert("User has AstraX!");}
const retrieveNetwork = async () => {  let network = "";  let error = "";
  try {    network = await window.astraxApi.getNetwork();  } catch (e) {    error = e;  }
  if (error) {    return error;  }
  return network;};
const result = retrieveNetwork();


signTransaction(xdr: string, network:? string) -> <Promise<string>>#

This function accepts a transaction XDR string as the first parameter, which it will decode, sign as the user, and then return the signed transaction to your application.

The user will need to provide their password if the extension does not currently have their private key. Once the user has provided their password, the extension will have access to the user private key for 5 minutes. The user must then review the transaction details and accept within those 5 minutes for the transaction to be signed.

NOTE: The user must provide a valid transaction XDR string for the extension to properly sign.

The second parameter is an optional string that you may pass to indicate what network you’re intending this transaction to be signed on. The parameter must be either PUBLIC or TESTNET. If you choose not to pass a param, astrax-api will default to PUBLIC.

This is useful in the case that the user's AstraX is configured to the wrong network. AstraX will be able to throw a blocking error message communicating that you intended this transaction to be signed on a different network.

if (window.astraxApi.isConnected()) {  alert("User has AstraX!");}
const retrievePublicKey = async () => {  let publicKey = "";  let error = "";
  try {    publicKey = await window.astraxApi.getPublicKey();  } catch (e) {    error = e;  }
  if (error) {    return error;  }
  return publicKey;};
const retrievedPublicKey = retrievePublicKey();
const userSignTransaction = async (xdr: string, network: string) => {  let signedTransaction = "";  let error = "";
  try {    signedTransaction = await window.astraxApi.signTransaction(xdr, network);  } catch (e) {    error = e;  }
  if (error) {    return error;  }
  return signedTransaction;};
const xdr = ""; // replace this with an xdr string of the transaction you want to signconst userSignedTransaction = userSignTransaction(xdr, "TESTNET");

astrax-api will return a signed transaction xdr. Below is an example of how you might submit this signed transaction to Frontier using xdb-digitalbits-sdk (

const userSignTransaction = async (xdr: string, network: string) => {  let signedTransaction = "";  let error = "";
  try {    signedTransaction = await window.astraxApi.signTransaction(xdr, network);  } catch (e) {    error = e;  }
  if (error) {    return error;  }
  return signedTransaction;};
const xdr = ""; // replace this with an xdr string of the transaction you want to sign
const userSignedTransaction = userSignTransaction(xdr, "TESTNET");
const SERVER_URL = "";
const server = DigitalBitsSdk.Server(SERVER_URL);
const transactionToSubmit = DigitalBitsSdk.TransactionBuilder.fromXDR(  userSignedTransaction,  SERVER_URL);
const response = await server.submitTransaction(transactionToSubmit);